Visioneers Norway logo consists of Lead Visioneer Daniel Kish walking with a full-length perception cane against a sonar wave of expanding circles against a transparent blue backdrop in front of blind people participating in an outdoor Visioneers workshop in Norway.
Workshops med Daniel Kish 6 & 9 November. IMage: Student Visioneer Luca uses FlashSonar echolocation and his Perception Cane to step over a large rock in an open field in Norway.


Visioneers Norway har gleden av å invitere til workshops i FlashSonar ekkolokalisering med Daniel Kish 6 og 9 november. Det vil være anledning for ungdom å ha med foreldre. Kursspråk er engelsk og det skal legges til at Kish har lang erfaring i å holde kurs i land hvor engelsk ikke er morsmålet. Se nederst i denne teksten for link til et dokument med informasjon om kursholder Kish og hans beskrivelse av workshopen.

Det legges opp til mye praktisk øving og det anbefales derfor sterkt at deltagere hører igjennom første sesong (4 episoder) av vår podcastserie før workshopen.

Pris: 200 kr per deltager

Frist 10. oktober
Via e-mail til:
Trykk gjerne attending her på Facebook, men du må sende mail for å formelt melde deg på.

Kontakt oss via Facebook eller via e-mail:

Det er begrenset med plasser så meld deg på i dag!


Eventen profileres med en video av Daniel Kish som instruerer Thomas mellom to bygninger. På videoen er det følgende tekst: Velkommen til workshop 6. november.

Mer informasjon om Kish og hans beskrivelse av workshopen:


Visioneers Norway has the pleasure of inviting you to workshops in FlashSonar echolocation with Daniel Kish on November 6th and 9th. It will be an opportunity for young people to attend with their parents. Course language is English and it should be added that Kish has long experience in holding courses in countries where English is not the mother tongue. See the bottom of this text for a link to a document with information about Daniel and his description of the workshop.

There is a lot of practical practice and it is therefore strongly recommended that participants listen through the first season (4 episodes) of our podcast series before the workshop.

Price: 200 SEK per participant

Deadline October 10
Via email to:
Feel free to press attending on Facebook, but you must send mail to formally sign up.

Contact us via Facebook or via email:

Space is limited so sign up today!


The event is profiled with a video by Daniel Kish directing Thomas between two buildings. The video is the following text: Welcome to workshop November 6th.

Click here for more information about Daniel Kish and his description of the workshop:

Kursholder Daniel Kish

|| President Visioneers.Org – World Access For The Blind || Master i Developmental Psychology || Master i Special Education || Orienterings- og mobilitetspedagog || Verdenskjent foreleser i ekkolokalisering

Beskrivelse av workshopen med Daniel Kish sine egne ord:

Self-Directed Achievement, Perceptual Development, and Flash Sonar*: How blind people can learn to see

This is an immersive, fun, hands on, experiential workshop, in which I provide and demonstrate a comprehensive overview of using perception based, achievement oriented methodology to naturally foster the development of self-direction. Principals of perception based instruction focus on audition, taction, and mutual social engagement.

Underdevelopment of self-direction seems common but unnecessary among blind people, and often leads to passive dependence and limitation. I demonstrate and discuss conditions that foster or disrupt the development of this process, as well as methods for remediation. I cover extensively perception based instructional strategies that foster the natural development of self-direction. We discuss the critically supportive impact of early childhood perception based training (including infants and toddlers), such as cane training, Flash Sonar*, and mutual social engagement, along with the disruptive impact of passively imposed methods of guidance and external direction.

I demonstrate advanced perceptual skills, including Flash Sonar*. Flash Sonar is an advanced perceptual ability to image the surrounding environment in functional detail by strategically using discrete sonar signals, such as a quiet tongue click. It appears to be most inspiring and motivating in its utility for imaging complex relationships and details from a distance. I also give specific attention to strategies for enhancing and diversifying cane use and active social engagement for very young children and newly blinded adults. I cover individualizing the curriculum to unique student circumstances.

We discuss access to the environment through sighted assistance in terms of mutual social engagement for the fostering of partnerships, and in terms of a support to, not a replacement of, other critical processes of self-direction. Most importantly, we have fun.

Flash Sonar = Ekkolokalisering

Daniel Kish

Photo of Founder/Lead Visioneer Daniel Kish with the members of Visioneers Norway.
Visioneers Norway Board of Directors. L-R: Thomas Karu Tvedt (Vice-Chairman), Preben-Mathieu-Bjerke (Chairman), Daniel Kish (Honorary Member/Advisor)), Lotte Tvedt (Director), Stine Arnet Høyem (Director).


Visioneers Norway skal jobbe for å fremme selvstendighet for blinde og svaksynte, med hovedvekt på informasjon om, og organisering av opplæring i, bruk av ekkolokalisering.

Vi er en ideell organisasjon som ble stiftet 1. mai 2018 og som er registrert i Brønnøysundregisteret med følgende organisasjonsnummer: 920941141.

Vi er en selvstendig organisasjon med et eget styre og årsmøte. Vi har et sterkt bånd til Visioneers.Org (a division of World Access For The Blind) og deres president, Daniel Kish, som er med i vår organisasjon.

Visioneers Norway produserer en podcastserie og arrangerer jevnlige workshops/kurs i ekkolokalisering. Vår nestleder Thomas er i gang med den formelle instruktørutdannelsen til

Vårt arbeide kvalitetssikres av Daniel Kish.


Medlemmer i Visioneers Norway


Preben Mathieu-Bjerke


  • E-mail:
  • Mobil: 41437338

Pappa til Luca (født i 2015) som er helt blind. Etter å ha fått vite at vår Luca kommer til å leve livet sitt som helt blind, søkte jeg rundt etter hvordan jeg kan hjelpe han å bli så selvstendig som mulig med sin funksjonsforskjell. Etter tips fra Thomas (Tvedt) oppdaget jeg Daniel Kish og Kish sin visjon og no-limit filosofi, og ikke minst hans ekstraordinære evner til å navigere, appellerte veldig til meg. Som utdannet fysioterapeut har jeg alltid vært opptatt av at mennesker, uansett funksjonsforskjell, skal få mulighet til å nå sitt høyeste potensial. Allerede ved første kontakt med Kish møtte jeg et imøtekommende, kunnskapsrikt og inspirerende menneske. Til min overraskelse var hans filosofi og lære lite utbredt i Norge. Min motivasjon for at ikke bare Luca, men også flest mulig synshemmede i Norge skal få mulighet til å ta del i hans lære har økt i takt med min egen kunnskap om ekkolokalisering.


Thomas Tvedt

Nestleder, instruktør under utdannelse

  • e-mail:
  • Mobil: 47346803

Jeg er født og oppvokst på Randaberg like utenfor Stavanger. Nå bor jeg i Oslo hvor jeg tar en mastergrad i musikkterapi ved Norges musikkhøgskole. I tillegg har jeg en utdannelse som sanger og musikkpedagog fra samme skole. Jeg ble født blind i 1992, og dette har naturlig nok vært med på å prege livet mitt. Fram til jeg flyttet hjemmefra som 19-åring brukte jeg så og si aldri hvit stokk da jeg var ute og gikk. Jeg likte ikke følelsen av å stikke meg ut, og selv om det nok hadde vært mer praktisk å gå med stokk var det viktig for meg å vise at jeg også kunne klare meg uten. Jeg brukte lyd til å navigere med allerede som liten. Dette er noe som jeg tror at de aller fleste blinde gjør mer eller mindre bevisst, og for meg var det nok ikke særlig bevisst bruk av lyd. For noen år siden hørte jeg om amerikaneren Daniel Kish som underviser i ekkolokalisering på en veldig systematisk måte. Gjennom tilfeldigheter møtte jeg Kish kort tid etter at jeg hadde hørt om ham, og ble veldig inspirert av å møte en blind person som var så utrolig uavhengig som det Kish er. Jeg begynte selv å trene på aktiv ekkokalisering og merket ganske raskt at dette var mer effektivt enn jeg hadde drømt om. På dette tidspunktet hadde jeg begynt å bruke stokk fast, og kombinasjonen av stokken og ekkolokaliseringen gjorde at jeg ble mye mer mobil og friere til å bevege meg rundt i verden på mine egne premisser. Det kan kanskje sammenlignes med å gå fra å være avhengig av å bli kjørt til venner av foreldrene sine, til å få muligheten til å sykle dit alene. Ekkolokalisering har til nå ikke blitt undervist systematisk i Norge, selv om flere blinde er selvlærte og bruker det. Ettersom jeg brukte det mer og mer begynte jeg å etterlyse et slikt tilbud. Jeg ønsker at blinde barn skal få muligheten til å lære seg denne teknikken dersom de er interessert i det, så tidlig som mulig. Gjennom arbeidet mitt i Visioneers Norway ønsker jeg å kunne bidra til denne utviklingen i Norge. Jeg er veldig stolt over å ha kommet inn på instruktørutdannelsen i regi av Daniel Kish og


Stine Arnet Høyem

Styremedlem og økonomiansvarlig

  • E-mail:
  • Mobil:92437690

Jeg er mamma til August (f. 2012) som er født blind. Jeg ble første gang introdusert for Daniel Kish i forbindelse med et seminar på Statped i Oslo i 2014. Kishs’ unike evne til å se muligheter og gi blinde mennesker frihet blant annet ved hjelp av navigasjonsteknikken ekkolokalisering, ble på mange måter et vendepunkt for oss. Som styremedlem i Visioneers Norway er min største motivasjon å gi blinde barn og unge kunnskap og verktøy til å leve så selvstendige og gode liv som mulig.


Visioneers Norway will work to promote independence for the blind and visually impaired, with an emphasis on information on, and organization of training in, the use of echolocation.

We are a non-profit organization established on May 1, 2018 and is registered in the Brønnøysund Register with organization number: 920941141.

We are an independent organization with its own board of directors and annual meeting. We have a strong bond with Visioneers.Org (a division of World Access For The Blind) and their president, Daniel Kish, who is part of our organization.

Visioneers Norway produces a podcast series and arranges regular workshops / courses in echolocation. Our Deputy Principal Thomas is in the process of formal instructor training.

Our work is quality assured by Daniel Kish.


Members of Visioneers Norway


Preben Mathieu-Bjerke


Mobile: 41437338

Dad to Luca (born in 2015) who is completely blind. After learning that our Luca is going to live his life as completely blind, I searched around for how I can help him become as independent as possible with his functional difference. Following tips from Thomas (Tvedt), I discovered Daniel Kish and Kish’s vision and no-limit philosophy, and not least his extraordinary ability to navigate, appealed to me very much. As an educated physiotherapist, I have always been concerned that people, regardless of functional differences, should have the opportunity to reach their highest potential. Already on first contact with Kish, I met a welcoming, knowledgeable and inspiring person. To my surprise, his philosophy and teaching was not widely used in Norway. My motivation for not only Luca, but also the majority of the visually impaired in Norway to have the opportunity to take part in his teachings has increased in line with my own knowledge of echolocation.


Thomas Tvedt

Deputy Head, Instructor in Education

Mobile: 47346803

I was born and raised on Randaberg just outside Stavanger. Now I live in Oslo where I take a master’s degree in music therapy at the Norwegian School of Music. In addition, I have an education as a singer and music educator from the same school. I was born blind in 1992 and this has naturally helped to shape my life. Until I moved away from home as a 19-year-old, I almost never used white cane when I was out and about. I did not like the feeling of sticking out, and although it would have been more convenient to walk with a cane, it was important for me to show that I could do without. I used audio to navigate with the little ones already. This is something that I think most blind people do more or less consciously, and for me it was probably not very conscious use of sound. A few years ago, I heard about American Daniel Kish, who teaches echolocation in a very systematic way. By chance, I met Kish shortly after I heard about him, and was very inspired to meet a blind person who was as incredibly independent as Kish is. I began training myself on active echocalization and quickly realized that this was more effective than I had ever dreamed. At this point, I had started to use the cane firmly, and the combination of the cane and the echo location made me much more mobile and freer to move around the world on my own terms. It might be compared to going from being dependent on being driven to friends by their parents to being able to ride there alone. Echo localization has so far not been systematically taught in Norway, although several blind people are self-taught and use it. As I used it more and more, I began to call for such an offer. I want blind children to have the opportunity to learn this technique if they are interested in it, as early as possible. Through my work at Visioneers Norway, I want to be able to contribute to this development in Norway. I am very proud to have received the instructor training conducted by Daniel Kish and


Stine Arnet Høyem

Board member and finance officer

Mobile: 92437690

I am the mother of August (born 2012) who was born blind. I was first introduced to Daniel Kish in connection with a seminar at Statped in Oslo in 2014. Kishs’ unique ability to see opportunities and give blind people freedom through, among other things, the use of navigation technology echolocation, has in many ways become a turning point for us. As a board member of Visioneers Norway, my greatest motivation is to provide blind children and young people with the knowledge and tools to live as independent and good lives as possible.


When it’s a beautiful day, our students ‘see’ it in a new way.

Our scientifically-proven FlashSonar™ echolocation lights-up the brain’s Visual Cortex – the part normally used for vision – with audible spatial feedback, like flashes of light in the dark lighting-up the surrounding environment.

We operate entirely on donations.

Be the flash of opportunity by donating towards a FlashSonar™ Tuition Scholarship for a blind child, teen or adult, so we can

teach them to




Our blind instructors with Masters Degrees provide services that are “ahead of the curve” from traditional blindness institutions, such as:


Did you know that 90% of a child’s brain is developed before the age of 5? Even some “developed” countries won’t teach blind children orientation, mobility and cane navigation until the age of 7. Do you realize how much developmental time is lost? We teach sonic and tactile awareness as early as possible and even put Perception canes in their hand as early as a year old.


FlashSonar clicks+Audible Awareness+Perception Cane activates the Visual Cortex, training the brain to rewire to develop SonarVision.


We specialize in Special Education services and advocacy for families and Assessment Reports for School Districts, and much more.

Donate securely via PayPal Giving Fund. No Transaction fees. 100 Percent of your donation goes to Visioneers | World Access For The Blind. PayPal account required and lets you choose between your bank account, Paypal account or credit cards from MasterCard, Visa, American Express and Discover Card. Make my Donation.


Help us share life-changing Perceptual Freedom. We depend upon your support. Image: Silhouette of Daniel Kish walking with his full-length navigation cane.
Benevity Causes Portal. Donate to World Access For The Blind from your Company's Benevity account. Click here to link to WAFTB's page at Benevity.
World Access For The Blind U.S. Federal IRS Tax ID | EIN 330936778. Image: Silhouette of Daniel Kish walking.



Please make the check payable to:

World Access For The Blind

and mail to:

Visioneers | World Access For The Blind

650 N. Rose Drive, #208

Placentia, CA 92870

All donations made in the United States are tax-deductible.


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