How do you go from losing your sight as an infant to seeing with sound as the “real-life Bat Man”?
It’s been an incredible journey for Daniel Kish from the moment he could walk, to traveling the world and helping to light the way for generations of blind persons of all ages who might otherwise be left behind in “dark” isolation and dependency.
From Aspire Conference 2018
Daniel Kish is one of the World’s foremost inspirational speakers. Blind since he was 13 months old, Daniel has learned to “see” using a form of echolocation. He clicks his tongue and sends out flashes of sound that bounce off surfaces in the environment and return to him, helping him to construct an understanding of the space around him. In a rousing talk, Kish shows how this works – and asks us all to let go of our fear of the dark unknown.
His 2015 talk at TED Global has been viewed over 1.25 million times and he is described on the TED website as expanding the perceptual toolbox of both blind and sighted humans. Here Daniel speaks about his extraordinary ability and global initiative – Visioneers | World Access for the Blind – at ASPIRE 4 ALL 2018.
You can read more about ASPIRE here: https://aspire.org.pl/ You can see more about the Aspire Conference here: https://bravenewworld.aspire.org.pl
This Keynote was booked via Parliament Communications:
“Daniel Kish has the most amazing and inspirational story. He is also a consummate professional and delivers his story with passion and panache. I could praise him a lot more, but he is also modest, so I don’t want to embarrass him. Just book him!”
Marek Kriwald, Managing Director, Parliament Communications Ltd
From Zero-Project on Facebook
Congratulations to World Access For The Blind | Visioneers for winning the Zero Project Award 2018 on #Accessibility!
Receiving the Award at the United Nations Vienna on behalf of World Access for the Blind is Daniel Kish!
Thank you for being a part of the #ZeroCon18!
Our Response on Facebook
World Access for the Blind and Visioneers.org are grateful to win this Zero ProjectAward and excited about the possibilities it can bring .
Our heartfelt thanks to everyone at Zero Project, Ashoka, and the United Nations Vienna, for their wonderful support and welcoming hospitality, and congratulations to our fellow winners – we’re honored to be among you.
Onward to making 2018 our best year yet for reaching and teaching blind persons across the USA and around the world how to see with sound!
#ZeroCon18, #Ashoka, #Visioneers, #WAFTB, #DanielKish, #blindness, #FlashSonarEcholocation, #SeeingWithSound
Visit our Special Coverage of Zero Project 2018 and learn more about their work and the work of Ashoka.
Daniel has inspired millions of people globally with his Keynote Addresses, Activational Workshops and Perceptual Consulting,
including Fortune 500s such as:
Adobe|Apple|Microsoft|PayPal|Proctor & Gamble|Fidelity Investments|Scottish American
and more, to groups or individual students, or high-profile events where he’s been voted a Top 10 Talk* or ‘Talk of the Day’** like:
TED*|TEDxLondon|TEDxMumbai|POPTECH**|CDI Pueblo|Compute Midwest|Imagine Solutions
Ashoka is an international organization that promotes social entrepreneurship by affiliating individual social entrepreneurs into the Ashoka organization. Their stated mission is “to shape a global, entrepreneurial, competitive citizen sector: one that allows social entrepreneurs to thrive and enables the world’s citizens to think and act as changemakers”.
From Ashoka’s announcement: “We’re thrilled to formally announce our newest class of Ashoka Fellows in 2017. These 14 systems-changing entrepreneurs . . . help us all identify lasting solutions to the problems affecting our lives. Daniel Kish is transforming the training and experience of perceptual navigation for blind people that is more respectful of blind dignity and purpose, easier to teach, learn, and use; and is more diversely applicable to all people. For more on his new idea, see Daniel’s Ashoka profile and Forbes Q&A.”
MEDIA: ABC WORLD NEWS NOW: Diane Macedo Profiles Daniel Kish on “Stranger Than Fiction“
M.A. Spec.ED | M.A. Psych – Developmental Psychology | ASHOKA FELLOW | TED SPEAKER | COMS
Daniel Kish was born in March, 1966 in Montebello, California. Diagnosed with retinoblastoma, which is an aggressive cancer of the retina, he lost one eye and then the other by the age of 13 months.
His younger brother Keith was also born with retinoblastoma – which is genetic – despite the fact that neither of their parents had the disease. This time, doctors were able to save Keith’s sight, and he went on to become a middle school teacher.
As Michael Finkel wrote in his Men’s Journal profile of Daniel, “Kish can hardly remember a time when he didn’t click. He came to it on his own, intuitively, at age two, about a year after his second eye was removed.
Many blind children make noises in order to get feedback – foot stomping, finger snapping, hand clapping, tongue clicking. These behaviors are the beginnings of echolocation, but they’re almost invariably deemed asocial by parents or caretakers and swiftly extinguished.
Kish was fortunate that his mother never tried to dissuade him from clicking. “That tongue click was everything to me,” he says.
He went to mainstream schools and relied almost exclusively on echolocation to orient himself, though at the time neither he nor his mom had any concept of what he was doing. “There was no one to explain it, there was no one to help me enhance it, and we all just kind of took it for granted,” he says. “My family and friends were like, ‘Yeah, he does this funny click thing and he gets around.’” They called it his radar. Navigating new places, he says, was like solving a puzzle.
He rode his bike with wild abandon. “I used to go to the top of a hill and scream ‘Dive bomb!’ and ride down as fast as I could,” he says. This is when he was eight. The neighborhood kids would scatter. “One day I lost control of the bicycle, crashed through these trash cans, and smashed into a metal light pole. It was a violent collision. I had blood all over my face. I picked myself up and went home.”
Kish was raised with almost no dispensation for his blindness. “My upbringing was all about total self-reliance,” he writes, “of being able to go after anything I desired.” His career interests, as a boy, included policeman, fireman, pilot, and doctor.
He was a celebrated singer and voracious consumer of braille books. He could take anything apart and put it back together – a skill he retains.
He was named “best brain” in middle school and graduated high school with a GPA close to 4.0. He was voted “most likely to succeed.”
Kish attended the University of California Riverside, California State University San Bernadino, and CSU LA, earning two Master’s degrees – one in developmental psychology, and one in special education. He wrote a thesis on the history and science of human echolocation, and as part of that devised one of the first echolocation training programs.
The ability of some blind individuals to perceive objects well before they could touch them was noted as early as 1749 by French philosopher Denis Diderot. He theorized it had something to do with vibrations against the skin of the face.
In the early 1800s, a blind man from England named James Holman journeyed around the world – he may have been the most prolific traveler in history up to that point, Magellan and Marco Poloincluded – relying on the echoes from the click of his cane. Not until the 1940s, in Karl Dallenbach‘s lab at Cornell University, was it irrefutably proven that humans could echolocate.
The thesis was the first time Kish really studied what he’d been doing all his life; it was the beginning, as he put it, of “unlocking my own brain.” He then became the first totally blind person in the United States (and likely the world) to be fully certified as an orientation and mobility specialist – that is, someone hired by the visually impaired to learn how to get around.
It was never Kish’s goal to run a foundation dedicated to the blind. He planned to be a psychologist. But he could not ignore the fact that few blind people enjoyed anything close to his freedom of movement, and he had grown weary of society’s attitude toward the blind.
So in 2000, he started World Access for the Blind. One of its missions is to counter every ‘no’ that blind people hear. Blindness, Kish says, should be understood – by both the blind and the sighted – as nothing more than an inconvenience.” Read the complete profile of Daniel at Men’s Journal.
Daniel Kish – Credentials & Certificates
Totally blind, Daniel learned a new way to see, and he helps others see better.
Voted one of the top 10 speakers at TED2015 and PopTech’s ‘Talk of the Day’, and featured in over 150 major publications and broadcasts reaching over 2 billion people around the globe, Daniel has served thousands of clients from Fortune 500 corporations to individuals.
From Apple and Proctor & Gamble, to TED, TEDxand PopTech, his penetrating ability to activate audiences to navigate any challenge is highly sought world-wide.
With over 20 years conducting hundreds of workshops and training people of every age and background, Daniel refers to himself as an“activational” presenter recognizing that whatever our motivations, inspirations and aspirations may be, in the end we must act.
During his years in college Daniel conducted pilot research to develop the first documented methodology to teach what he called Flash Sonar™ to other blind people.
This led to his becoming the first totally blind person in the world known to earn orientation and mobility certification to teach blind people how to navigate, while also earning a Master’s degree in Developmental Psychology and another Master’s in Special Education.
Because this certification was historically denied to blind people, Daniel’s entry into this field has helped open the way for other blind instructors, thus mobilizing a monumental paradigm shift in all fields related to blindness.
The last five years alone have seen the work of Daniel and his team published in prolific online and offline magazines & newspapers, such as:
Chronicle of Philanthropy|BBC World|Discover Magazine (excerpt from: The Superhuman Mind: Free the Genius in Your Brain)|The Guardian|The Los Angeles Times (Front page feature)| Men’s Journal (voted sixth best read of 2011 by Readers Digest)|NationalGeographic|New Scientist|Popular Science|Psychology Today|Scientific American|Smithsonian|Success Magazine|The Telegraph|The Week|and The Washington Post.
TV broadcasts include NBC News TODAY, ABC Nightly News, Sanjay Gupta on CNN and CNN International, Discovery Daily Planet, Guinness World Records, HD Net’s News and World Report, The Weather Channel’s Human Eclipse, and BBC Horizon Science; radio broadcasts including BBC radio, and NPR’S This American Life, Morning Edition, and All Things Considered; and more.
A prolific writer on his own, Daniel has contributed to numerous textbooks, peer reviewed journals, popular magazines, and specialty periodicals.
In 2017, American Printing House for the Blind published Daniel’s textbook “Echolocation and FlashSonar” co-authored with Jo Cook. The first of its kind, you can preview and order the book at this link. The textbook will be followed by two more books under negotiation about his life and the hard science behind his approach.
Daniel’s special interests and areas of study include at-risk children, family dynamics, neural-anthropology, industrial-organizational psychology, the science of perception and action, interactive networking, ancient music, spirituality, healthy living, personal transformation, and all things of the great outdoors.
Daniel is most warmly grateful to his parents for his liberating up-bringing and life experiences, and the opportunities to share his insights world-wide.
Each of these two certificates focuses on a different philosophical view and pragmatic approach to teaching and learning orientation and mobility. Both certifying organizations are fully recognized and government-backed, and both garner professional respect and support within the blindness field.
This certificate is awarded by the Academy for Certification of Vision Rehabilitation and Education Professionals (ACVREP). Daniel also served on the ACVREP Subject Matter Expert Committee for the development of COMS certification standards.
This certificate is awarded by the National Blindness Professional Certification Board (NBPCB).
Daniel Kish is the lead Founder of World Access for the Blind.
This 501(c)(3) non-profit organization uniquely combines a self directed, no limits approach with expertise in perceptual development, positive psychology, person-centered instruction, and public education to develop and mobilize innovative, high impact strategies to facilitate self directed achievement by challenging all forms of blindness throughout the world.
Daniel holds Master’s degrees in both Developmental Psychology and Special Education, emphasizing perceptual development, family dynamics, and children at risk.
He also holds two national certifications in Orientation and Mobility, COMS and NOMC. Daniel is the first totally blind individual to obtain both certifications.
He has maintained employment in this capacity since 1996 as an itinerant instructor for many school districts, rehabilitation agencies, and private persons throughout the world.
He believes in a strong interdisciplinary education model, making a point to work in close collaboration with all professionals and other supports in relation to each student.
Consequently, Daniel has collaborated extensively with very renowned therapists and specialists in the areas of neural science, communication, biomechanics, and perception.
Given his unique combination of training, background, and associations, Daniel refers to himself as a Perceptual-Navigation Specialist, emphasizing in his instructional practice the perceptual foundations underlying navigation and environmental interaction.
Daniel has worked with over 1,000 blind students of all ages and backgrounds, and from many cultures, as well as tens of thousands of professionals and members of the blindness community in over 40 countries. He has particular experience with deaf-blindness, autism, and perceptual processing disorders.
In addition to his work as a Perceptual-Navigation Specialist, Daniel has coordinated and supervised all types of educational and enrichment programs including assistive technology, Braille and large print instruction, student/family coaching, peer tutoring, public awareness, and a mentor program.
Daniel has presented and conducted hundreds of invited presentations and workshops internationally on all topics related to human perception and blindness, including professional development trainings for top scientists, teachers, and medical practitioners.
Of particular note are his seminars on the development of the perceptual and imaging systems in the brain, how this development is disrupted by dependency conditioning, such as sighted guides and lack of early cane training, how this disruption stunts short and long term psychological and physical development, and how this disruption can be put back on track by reestablishing natural processes of self directed discovery.
Among many presentations world wide, Daniel has presented an invited paper on this topic to the 2005 European conference of the International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment (ICEVI).
He has helped to establish relief projects to foster freedom of community participation of blind people in developing countries.
Among other things, this has involved developing and implementing a multiphase model for training individuals, blind and sighted, to provide Perceptual-Navigation instruction to other blind people, and to mobilize public awareness campaigns to shed a more positive light on the real issues faced by blind individuals.
In this connection, Daniel co-authored a section on audition training in a textbook called “Early Focus” edited by Prof. Diane L. Fazzi and Dr. Rona Pogrund. Daniel has also authored several articles for various periodicals, including New Scientist, Insight Magazine (U.K.), and Future Reflections.
He was also one of a dozen Mobility Specialists selected to serve on the Subject Matter Expert Committee for revision and updating of National Certification for Orientation and Mobility Specialists.
Read more of Daniel Kish’s Professional Bio.
For 20 years, Daniel Kish and our fellow Visioneers (who were once students) have taught our unique Perceptual Navigation to over 15,000 blind persons, their families, teachers and blindness community professionals. Now, Daniel shares the knowledge he’s acquired, and the methods he’s developed in the only textbook on
Echolocation and FlashSonar
TITLE: Echolocation and FlashSonar
Echolocation and FlashSonar provides research, case examples, instructional approaches, and practice exercises that can lead to mastery of echolocation skills.
This guidebook, written by Daniel Kish and Jo Hook, provides instructional strategies for teaching persons who are blind and visually impaired who are working independently. Although Echolocation and FlashSonar works well as an instructional manual for O&M specialists, it can also be used by adults who are blind and visually impaired and who are not working with rehabilitation professionals.
Click Here to Order / Note: A braille edition is available as a free download at this link.
Preview of Echolocation And FlashSonar
By Daniel Kish and Jo Hook
You can preview the book’s introduction at this link.
We hope you will enjoy this book, and find it helpful. Neither the authors nor Visioneers / World Access for the Blind receive any royalties from the sale of this book. If you find this book helpful, please consider helping us reach more blind students in more places with your tax deductible donation to World Access for the Blind on our Make A Donation page.
Thank you kindly.
Whether as the ‘real-life Batman’ or sometimes compared to ‘Daredevil’, or garnering over 24 million views in X Ambassador’s Renegades video, Daniel’s FlashSonar™ clicks have echoed globally via ABC, ABC Australia, BBC, CBC, CBS, CTV, CNN, Discovery, Fox, Global, iTV, NatGeo, NBC, Nine Network, NPR, SBS, Space, ZDF and many more.
One of the proudest legacies of the decades-long efforts by Daniel Kish to educate and help blind persons liberate themselves from the traditional cycles of isolated dependency, has been the team of Visioneers’ Perceptual Navigation Instructors he’s assembled from his students who have grown-up with FlashSonar™ Echolocation and it’s NO LIMITS philosophy, and especially proud of how they are all paying it forward to blind persons of all ages all around the world.
When it’s a beautiful day, our students see it in a new way.
Our scientifically-proven FlashSonar™ echolocation lights-up the brain’s Visual Cortex – the part normally used for vision – with audible spatial feedback, like flashes of light in the dark lighting-up the surrounding environment.
We operate entirely on donations.
Be the flash of light for a blind child, teen or adult by donating towards a FlashSonar™ Tuition Scholarship, so we can
teach them to
Our blind instructors with Masters Degrees provide services that are “ahead of the curve” from traditional blindness institutions, such as:
Did you know that 90% of a child’s brain is developed before the age of 5? Even some “developed” countries won’t teach blind children orientation, mobility and cane navigation until the age of 7. Do you realize how much developmental time is lost? We teach sonic and tactile awareness as early as possible and even put Perception canes in their hand as early as a year old.
FlashSonar clicks+Audible Awareness+Perception Cane activates the Visual Cortex, training the brain to rewire to develop SonarVision.
We specialize in Special Education services and advocacy for families and Assessment Reports for School Districts, and much more.