
Banner slide shows multi-colored silhouettes of cyclists along with black silhouettes of a male and female couple walking with navigation/hiking canes, and a boy in the foreground playing soccer with a ball tied inside a plastic bag to give audio cues, set against a blue world map with Flash Sonar Rings faintly superimposed. The top text reads: World Access For The Blind - Our Service Sectors. Six photo boxes are shown below reading from left to right: Personal, which shows a photo of Perceptual Mobility Instructor Brian Bushway working with a male student; Group, showing our Instructors with participants at a Perceptual Mobility workshop at the 2015 No Barriers Conference; the third box is titled Academic and shows Daniel Kish lying on an MRI unit as it prepares to scan his brain activity; the fourth box is titled Enterprise and shows a photo of our Perceptual Navigation instructors Brian Bushway and Juan Ruiz speaking to a group of employees at a client organization; the fifth box is titled Media and the photo shows Daniel Kish sitting between two stars of the motion picture Thaanavam which he consulted for and made a cameo appearance in; the final box is titled Tech and shows Daniel Kish standing onstage holding a full-length navigation cane at the 2015 TED conference in Vancouver. The lower banner text reads: We help all these sectors respond to blindness proactively to create new opportunities.



